Monday, February 7, 2011

How it happened.

As best as I can make of it here's how I did it. I was walking out my driveway today around 6:45 am this morning. A little chilly but all in all not bad temperature wise. Here in Oklahoma we have just been hit with one of the worst blizzards in our history over the last week. So needless to say there was still some ice on the ground and I must have hit the "Big One" on my walk out to get the paper.

As I went down my legs went under me like a frog but my ankle stayed resiliently planted on the ground. As my body pivoted around my very stationary foot I heard the tell tale "pop pop pop" as I went down on the concrete. Immediately it hurt and I knew (even though I have never broken a bone before in my life) that this was probably broken.

I crawled back into the house and immediately called over to my mother-in-law's house. Which BTW. HUGE shout out to my wife and mother-in-law who braved the icy conditions to come pick up my decrepit butt off of my living room floor and take me to the emergency room My father also joined in the fun and met us here at the house for the trek to Saint Francis.

My wife Jill was staying over at my mother-in-laws house because of the "no school" decree today because of the snowstorm. It was SUPPOSED to be a fun day of me going to work, my wife getting some downtime out of the house and my kids getting to play in the snow at my mother-in-laws.

Not to be though. We got to the hospital and THANKFULLY there was no one in the waiting room. They got me immediately back and I was checked out by my fellow alumni from Oklahoma State University Dr. Gray. He did a stability test and his "best guess" was it was broken. He should know he worked at the athletic department at OSU and probably has seen his share of sprained and broken ankles.

So we took the x-rays and sure enough. A spiral brake in the outer fibula with a chipped bone on the other side of my ankle just for grins. He did assure me it was the "non weight" bearing bone in my ankle / lower leg so I guess that's a plus. After a little bit of a wait they brought in my crutches (which I haven't had since high school) and sized me up. After a couple of minutes of debriefing by my nurse I was on my way.

You know this is just the start of this journey but I just have to say this. With all of the criticism that our health care system has taken over the last couple of years the staff there at Saint Francis was excellent today. I got in fast, treated with care, and they were all professionals. Thanks to Dr. Gray for his great bedside manner and choice of higher education.

Well I'm off as I have an appointment scheduled with my Ortho doc on Wednesday at 8:00am. I will detail out that journey after on Wednesday. We have a another MAJOR snowstorm forecast ed here for the Northeastern parts of Oklahoma on Wednesday just in time to make the drive to my doc very interesting.

OK. Day one signing off.

Man this hurts!

Well since I will probably be around my laptop for awhile I thought I might as well start my first blog.

My name is Jeremy, I'm thirty-eight years old, I have an AWESOME wife, great kids, and I completely messed up my ankle today. I am a reasonably in shape individual, fairly good coordination but today it betrayed me. Anyone who has ever broken a bone before can relate to what I am going through right now but I thought I would use this experience to document my road to recovery as well as the bumps and bruises along the way.

I am not much of a writer but hopefully you can bear with me.

Right now the pain medicine has kick in so I am going to bang out a few posts before the pain flares up again....